Wellness Expert on Finding Your Purpose


Health is not valued till sickness comes

-Thomas Fulle

The most significant obstacles I see busy and time-pressed professionals face again and again when trying to improve their level of fitness and wellbeing is that of time.

Really, if I had a pound for every time someone told me they don’t have time to improve their wellness routines…well I’d be buying way more Stella McCartney bags than I currently do.

This issue feels particularly insurmountable to a parent of small children: in many cases, it really is the “make or break” factor in whether someone will indeed take action towards shifting their habits for the better.

My Story

Now let me tell you a story: my story, actually (and my father’s story). You see, after spending hours (and I mean HOURS) researching and investigation my purpose and our company’s mission statement as a part of a business accelerator course I attended by Dent Global, (the BEST thing I ever did), I realised how far back the seed was planted for me to become a wellness coach who focuses on helping high achievers stay at the top of their game. Let me explain.

The Entrepreneurial Rise and Fall

My dad was a very successful entrepreneur; in his early thirties, he quit his job to start a business which he grew to 7 figures in revenue in 5 years.

He was brilliant, successful, healthy and had it all, or so it seemed.

When I was only 8 years old, my dad became ill with Bipolar Disorder, a mental illness which is a trickier variation of Depression, and in all honesty has never really recovered.

I see now with great clarity that he just didn’t have the tools to handle the mounting pressure of a highly demanding creative job of running a business while taking care of a young family.

He literally crumbled under the pressure and lost EVERYTHING.


Needless to say, the consequences were profound and traumatising not only on him but also on us and our family but also the many employees and their families

The Importance of Health For the Whole Family

We often think of our fitness and wellbeing routines as something we do “just for us”, but the truth is, they’re not just for us.

When we’re strong, fit, healthy and fully satisfied we go through life with different energy and stamina; we have more to contribute and generally do a better job all around.

This extends far beyond the workplace too: we are better caretakers, parents, friends and partners. We’re happier in our body and mind and therefore are more pleasant to be around.

Not to mention, and this is huge for young parents, in particular, because you are a great example to your kids who will inevitably pick up your habits, consciously or unconsciously.

Let go of Your Excuses

Next time you struggle to make time for a run, a nap, a massage or to cook yourself a healthy meal because “the kids come first”, think again.

Your kids want nothing more than for you to be your healthiest, fittest, happiest and most satisfied self because if you’re not, they can’t be either.

I wish my dad had taken the time to take care of himself.

I didn’t need more stuff, better schools to attend or cars to be driven in. I needed a healthy and thriving father that could be there for me physically and emotionally.

Taking care of ourselves should be a top priority and is our most significant responsibility at ALL times because if we don’t, soon enough somebody else will have to; and if you have any children, it may just have to be them.

Taking charge of your health

I know it’s easier said than done and essentially, that’s why I do what I do.

I want to empower as many business owners and CEOs as I can to establish stable, sustainable wellness routines in their daily lives so that none of you will ever have to face the pain that my family and I went through.

Don’t believe anyone who tells you it’s not possible to live a healthy and successful life.

Don’t wait until things get a little easier as they may never do and most importantly, don’t use your kids as an excuse:

Instead, use them as your motivation.

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Health is the crown on the well person’s head that only the ill person can see.

-Robin Sharma



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